Quote chissitt="chissitt"Just because some peoples opinions differ from yours doesn't make them wrong, in this instance I'll humour you by asking you that if these people admit they were sold a pup and I believe there are plenty of them, how would that help, maybe they think that if you started to engage in sensible conversation that might help who knows eh!'"
The one certainty is that, while ever the lying *** in No 10 and his ministers keep blaming all of the issues on the EU, there will be little progress.
Boris Johnson signed his "oven ready" deal 2 years ago and it wasn't and isn't fit for purpose.
It suits the Tories to be able to blame someone else,(the EU in this instance), rather than admit that they made a total balls of things.
Many of those in N. Ireland believe that the protocol is actually working and ironically, it's the DUP who do not. Quite ironic that it was they, under the Teresa May administration, who held the balance of power in Westminster and it was they who, once in power, Boris Johnson threw under the bus but, he's is now having to back track at speed.
The whole Irish issue should have been worked out prior to the referendum but, Cameron was so confident that we would remain in the EU that he didn't give the matter any serious thought and then Johnson just hoped/pretended that everything would be ok.
Not great would be a massive understatement.
Meanwhile the UK is on the brink of recession and our former friends in the EU are projected to see a "bounce" in their ecconomy next year. Happy days.