tigerman10 wrote:
not that i think for a minute you should move to the newmarket site but, if all these people from the areas you have mentioned follow rovers how come you only average around 1300 crowds, maybee if people from fetherstone followed the club the attendances would rise, just a thought.
Tigerman, if your club gets refused a licence next time round (won't happen, Wakey are to be hoofed out next time I'm told), the support your club has now will steadily decline if the hope of ever making it back to SL recedes with every passing year.
Having now been all but denied a route back with the abolition of P+R the apathy now of following the game outside SL is apparent for even the most blinkered fan to see - don't you think??????
It has to be said, that whilst there have also been seasons when crowds have been very disappointing for rovers in the past, even in Div 1, given a fair shake of the dice, I can see a day when Fev would match Salford, Wakey, Warrington et al for crowds. They have before.