bishops finger wrote:
Rumours that Kellys been scrapping in town on Saturday night, got arrested.
I heard that he was in a scuffle in Rumours but nothing more, but then got in an argument later on with some lads and got a clout in the nose for his troubles, I didn't hear anything about him been arrested.
Whatever the truth, there will no doubt be the usual hysterical shouts and table thumping from some quarters rumouring that he beat someone up, can't handle the booze etc and that he should be sacked as a result of his misdemeanours .
All I would say is the facts will no doubt all come out in the wash so to speak, as they always do. but before they do I just hope the usual suspects don't come on here spouting BS and blowing it all out of proportion based on hearsay, I wont hold my breath though.