Re: Trouble at Wakefield : Fri Aug 16, 2013 12:17 pm
FunnyGuy wrote:
No one has mentioned the half a dozen or so wire fans that decided to buy tickets for the widnes end only to be escorted back to the wire standing side of the ground.
There are always Warrington fans in the West (away) stand. Always. Every game. Never in all my years watching Warrington have I ever seen them have to be moved for their own safety. Anyone who tries to blame these few Wire fans for starting the trouble or contributing to it (as I've seen on Twitter) is telling bare-faced lies. The trouble started when the stewards tried to eject a few of your 'fans' after two smoke bombs were thrown and those 'fans' decided to throw punches at the stewards instead. The sight of Widnes 'fans' running over to join in was disgusting.
I feel very sorry for the vast majority of your genuine fans. This behaviour seems to be following your club around recently and it undermines all the hard work your club have done on and off the pitch. It was a great game for you last night and sadly a lot of people are talking about the trouble rather than the result. Let's hope the club can get these idiots found and banned and we can all get back to talking about Rugby League again.