bishops finger wrote:
The Rovers coverage has almost dried up on there Wilf, I scrolled down the sports pages the other day and there was no less than ten stories related to FC before one about Willie Peters enjoying Christmas over here, I'm guessing if things stay as they are then both teams will have the odd Matt Shaw article printed here and there.
It's definitely a kick in the teeth for rugby fans when your local rags not going to publish there stories, and even though Joe and Dan aren't particularly great journalists there efforts were definitely better than what we're going to get.
Sorry I missed your post but I agree with all of that and well said, because in the general context of the game nationally never mind the sport in Hull we just cannot afford to reduce the profile of RL anywhere.
When you add too, that here in Hull, both clubs sets of fans have benefitted in the past (when times were bad) from constructive targeted comment and even criticism which sends a message to the clubs and animates in the media exactly what the fans are thinking and saying, it is a pretty compelling arguement. Let's face it papers as such will disappear altogether before long, so Social media marketing is these days is everything.
Products, whatever they, are rely on engagement and awareness through social media more and more and measure their success as far as engaging customers is concerned by the number of hits they get on their adverts and sites and in this case their related stories.
Well i've done a bit of digging cos I'm really concerned about this one and it might surprise you to know that our two clubs should be concerned too, as they will be missing a massive 500,000 page views on their clubs stories, that talk directly about their brand, every month.
That is a massive opportunity to keep the clubs in the minds of the fans and to enthuse and engage with potential new customers. I'm told from your club over there in the east that some there recognise that and efforts are being made to put together an additional advertising package with the paper to facilitate some coverage continuing. But as you say you've already seen what an effect losing your dedicated correspondent has had on you media exposure. Our lot however don't seem to be doing much at all, although I'm told all is not quite lost yet but with just a week to go to Tomlinson leaving and the Rovers correspondent long gone, time is running out!!!!