'when my life is over, the thing which will have given me greatest pride is that I was first to plunge into the sea, swimming freely underwater without any connection to the terrestrial world'
class act sign him up quality 7s dont come along every day!!!!!!! Sadlt i think this crocker situation will be used as an excuse! Whats going on there btw???? ffs how much longer i know they say no news is good news but this is plain carzy now...
Stop it, you know better than to use the 'C' word on here
'when my life is over, the thing which will have given me greatest pride is that I was first to plunge into the sea, swimming freely underwater without any connection to the terrestrial world'
'when my life is over, the thing which will have given me greatest pride is that I was first to plunge into the sea, swimming freely underwater without any connection to the terrestrial world'
'when my life is over, the thing which will have given me greatest pride is that I was first to plunge into the sea, swimming freely underwater without any connection to the terrestrial world'