: Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:31 am
I Don't really see why this thread is on here, lets face it the Daily Wail prints a story that tells us everything we already know....that we, them, the club and everyone else knows nothing!!!!
At Bradford everyone you spoke to knew he was either coming or not coming and it transpires that everyone knew nowt!!!
If I was to put money on it I would say that he is not coming!
However if there is one grain of hope it has to be the lenght of time the process is taking. They have not turned him down outright and are taking a long time to consider things. perhaps the British Consulate has asked for clarification of, or more evidence. Perhaps even the dozens of letters that they have received in support of the application from local businesses involved with the club are being considered, Who Know? (No one on here thats who!)
We will just have to wait but doo't hold your breathe, still we are 5 from 5 and going well, imagine how badly we would want this signing if we were bottom of the League!!