: Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:14 pm
Robbo4 wrote:
I certainly didn't clap at the end of the game. I also didn't clap Salford for scoring against us as I was there to support my team (shame they didnt deserve it today) and not the opposition. So what if Rovers play good rugby? Why wont you clap them? You are obviously some sort or rugby guru so in your appreciation for the good rugby Rovers may play why wont you clap them? Are you one of those blinkered fans who hates rovers more than you support FC? Dont give me this "apprecation of good" rugby bollox, it was more aimed at our players than it was at the Salford players and you know it.
calm down, i was joking, and what i do, during a game (clap, cheer or boo) has f*ck all to do with you, like i said i WAS joking (bout KR), try getting a life pal, ill do what i want, when i want, it makes me no more/less of a fan than you? ok??