Yeah i think it will be along those lines, u know sky already do something similar with football whereas you can select what championship game you want to watch by using the red button, they usually do it on the nidweek games.
Doing that with a pay per view option on which game you want to select, then selecting the team youd like your payment to go to wouldbe brilliant.
I think a sticking point could be like youve touched on, how do they set it up, do they carry on letting all clubs use there own stadiums but play behind closed doors, or do they do a magic weekend setup, with one possibly two stadiums selected to host the games.
Well as long as theres no hiccups with the application process for funds and we dont get short changed alls good, surely we l recieve what we need to carry on.
I think depending on what we secure could may well have a bearing on what contracts get given out.