UllFC wrote:
The return of proper fans forums. There's loads of questions about investment in the club, the COVID loan, the stadium lease, right through to more mundane questions like the club recently sent me a survey asking what I thought of the pre game entertainment etc
And of course some questions would be 'no comment' or batted away but we'd get a chance to raise our concerns.
Great idea and how we need it! And as for passion at the Club there seems to be far more on here!
WE used to promote two forums a year and the club and Adam always obliged they were held latterly at the Walton Club (when the Allams got shirty about using the Stadium) and were attended by 500 it was part of the remit of FC Voices but although they still exist as a group in principle at least I have heard nothing from them for ages. Looking back to the days of HISA we do suffer from not having a strong fans group to lobby the club, we can all bleat away individually but there is now no mechanism to meet with the club as a whole community. Perhaps that suits some I don't know????
When I was chair of FC Voices (for my sins), (something we were encourage to set up by Auntie Kath) Adam would meet with me every 6 weeks where I would raise stuff, often issues raised on RL fans and he would also meet with the group every 3 months who brought fans concerns forward first hand to him. We did get some real results too. That structure and the two open forums worked well and in fairness to him Clarky was always co-operative too.
But now the fans lack any sort of pressure group to exert some 'clout' and questionnaires certainly aren't the answer. Should a new investor come forward it would be an idea time to stage a forum because there is little redress these days, as far as the paying customers are concerned, and lets face it they aint a happy bunch. It's sad HISA aint still around.