: Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:41 am
DABHAND wrote:
Fishing rod and hook come to mind,if you feel uptight about it tell us all you have gone through thick and thin and probably in any kind of weather.Now where have i heard that before.
Not uptight at all. I realise that you'll always be better supported, so therefore would love for you to be averaging 18,000 say and us 11,000 or 12,000 every home game, the more support for the two clubs the better for RL in the city, and a further two fingers up to the 'SL's not big enough for two Hull clubs' brigade.
Having seen a 'Hull - A football city' carsticker the other day (and with all the HDM a$$-kissing etc), there's also a twisted part of me which would love to see them go sailing back down the leagues, but maybe that's wrong/disloyal of me?!!