Fair point, get it now! And I don't know the answer exactly but will it not be mid-September to early October?
More likely mid-September for the end of the 8's, but not sure how the home-away ratio works. Our potential last home game, for example, could be before the end of the 8's.
I don't think there is a willingness to move out of the area, far from it, the club want to stay at Belle Vue but they also just want to pay a fair market rent. We all know that the current rent is massively over-inflated and is killing the club anyway! So you are running the club, and you wake-up this morning knowing that you have made what you consider to be a fair offer on a new lease and they have not responded, you also know that unless you serve notice today then you are stuck paying that same over-inflated rent next year irrespective, or you are in breach of your lease. Also, lets not forget you could have a massively reduce income next year and at this time, you don't know for certain, but it is very possible!
So what do you do?
Genuine question!
Depends how confident i was of staying up and how confident i was of Newmarket happening. Moving away = dead. Staying at BV in championship = dead. Staying at BV in Superleague = a pulse. Personally i roll the dice for SL survival and stay as the BV housing planning renewal will have gone through during that time and as we were still there the condition would likely remain in place. And one way or the other we will probably know whether Newmarket will ever happen. But then i ain't an accountant.
Last edited by Theboyem on Wed Jun 24, 2015 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
More likely mid-September for the end of the 8's, but not sure how the home-away ratio works. Our potential last home game, for example, could be before the end of the 8's.
We won't know until after the last round of the regular fixtures at the end of next month.
Change is inevitable ...except from a vending machine!
BillyRhino wrote:
So in best IA mode ..<.Possibley World Class, could be the greatest thing since sliced bread....am personally very excited, and confidently expect him to prove my predictions are bang on target.... Alternatively he could be rubbish>
Although it is a gamble, the decision seems right. The club is saying to the bank "stop ripping us off or we're leaving" and to the council "because we're being ripped off, we're leaving, so you better pull your finger out and sort out Newmarket".
The likely outcomes seem to be: 1. Stay at Belle Vue with a reduced rent, making the club more viable, with Newmarket still a possibility. 2. The council take action in relation to Newmarket, so we stay at Belle Vue in the short term, high rent or not. 3. Same as 2, but playing elsewhere in the interim. 4. The bank accepting notice, the council doing little, and we play elsewhere permanently. Until we fold. 5. Withdraw the notice and pay the same rent as we are, with the council doing nothing about Newmarket. Until we fold.
Given that, in my rather simplistic analysis, outcomes 4 and 5 are likely to be the same, it's a sensible gamble.
Change is inevitable ...except from a vending machine!
BillyRhino wrote:
So in best IA mode ..<.Possibley World Class, could be the greatest thing since sliced bread....am personally very excited, and confidently expect him to prove my predictions are bang on target.... Alternatively he could be rubbish>
Depends how confident i was of staying up and how confident i was of Newmarket happening. Moving away = dead. Staying at BV in championship = dead. Staying at BV in Superleague = a pulse. Personally i roll the dice for SL survival and stay as the BV housing planning renewal will have gone through during that time and as we were still there the condition would likely remain in place. And one way or the other we will probably know whether Newmarket will ever happen. But then i ain't an accountant.
Well, I understand that the club has made two offers, one is based on being in SL next year and is higher but fair and sustainable, to reflect the higher income, the second is lower but of course based on the lower income, while still being fair and sustainable!
So, lets do your bullet points again!
Stay at Belle Vue in SL paying and over-inflated rent - a very faint pulse, possibly leading to death! Stay at Belle Vue in Championship paying same over-inflated rent- dead! Stay at Belle Vue in SL paying a fair sustainable rent - alive! Stay at Belle Vue in Championship paying a fair sustainable rent - alive! Move away from Belle Vue but paying a fair rent, based on the league status - a pulse but with the possibility of a full recovery at a later date due to someone building you a new hospital! You might die before they build it, but it is still a chance.
It is not ideal but I think making any other choice than the one the club has made would carry a much higher risk... they have chosen the fair and least risky option... but when all you have all risky choices, you have to make one!
My worry with all that is that our future is in the hands of certain council employees and a group of bankers all of whose best interests aren't likely to include us. I desperately hope it works out but i also desperately fear an Oldham situation. I guess only time will tell if it turns out to be the right choice, fingers crossed.
Change is inevitable ...except from a vending machine!
BillyRhino wrote:
So in best IA mode ..<.Possibley World Class, could be the greatest thing since sliced bread....am personally very excited, and confidently expect him to prove my predictions are bang on target.... Alternatively he could be rubbish>
As an aside and not wishing to cause thread drift or derail this one, I know how people feel and it is unnerving, and even scary, that the club finds itself at this cross-roads through no fault of its own, but it is and decisions have to be made, however hard they might be but... nipping over here and looking at this bunch of (mostly) clueless numpties get all over excited about the merest glimmer and tiniest possibility of the demise of another fellow RL club, makes all the hard work so worth while!
As an aside and not wishing to cause thread drift or derail this one, I know how people feel and it is unnerving, and even scary, that the club finds itself at this cross-roads through no fault of its own, but it is and decisions have to be made, however hard they might be but... nipping over here and looking at this bunch of (mostly) clueless numpties get all over excited about the merest glimmer and tiniest possibility of the demise of another fellow RL club, makes all the hard work so worth while!
Plan A is to remain at Belle Vue, until Newmarket is built, but paying a fair rent for the current stadium set-up and not the current unfair over-inflated rent.
Plans B, C etc are paying a fair rent at another stadium, to suit the current league status of the club, until Newmarket is built.
All the other options are not viable unless you have a few £m burning a hole in your pocket?
It is that simple really!
I think posters like you and TRB bring well informed expertise to this topic.
However I do not think Mr Carter et al had a gun to their head when they took over the club. If they did not like the contract with BoI then they did not have take over the club. To accept the contract and then have people whinging about the terms being unfair is infantile. If the rent is too high so be it, try and negotiate it down, but don't whine about unfairness.
BoI are a multi billion euro organisation. Drive around Dublin and other parts of Ireland and you can see multi million euro projects that have been abandoned. several will be BoI financed projects. A few thousand pounds in Wakefield being spent on an empty stadium will not perturb the BoI. Also Richie Boucher the CEO is a tough smart sob who has set the tone for the recovery of the bank. If Mr Carter has plans B,C etc it is safe to assume BoI will also have a variety of plans.
If BoI 'roll over' on a small deal like your stadium it may send the wrong sort of message to people owing far larger amounts of money. They may also conclude that the rents received so far could cover the costs of an empty stadium for a few years.
The 'brinkmanship' is fascinating. Yet it is a dreadful notion that a few senior BoI executives - with no commitment to the area - could meet one afternoon and decide to have an empty stadium and 120 years of tradition comes to a stop.