chapster wrote:
from what i understand from friends who deal with this kind of stuff its because this was the second test, which takes up to 3 months to come through and is more conclusive than the initial testing.
to be honest doesnt look good, but again no facts to deal with so who knows?
I work in an industry where a failed alcohol or drugs test means that the employee is removed from duty and suspended after the first failed test... a failed second test results in prosecution under the law (OHS Legistaltion), and the removal of the persons industry work permit for life! At the test the employee must list every medicine, over the counter drug or food supplement they have taken, failure to declare also results in suspension, and removal from work and pay until the matter is resolved. This is written into contract, sub-contract and briefed to every member of staff... they are even required to sign to say they understand and will comply with the process...
yet we still have two or three failures every time we have a round of testing...