Sandal Cat wrote:
Quite often once legal proceedings are instigated it can indeed jolt the other party into settling before the matter gets to the High Court. However you need to have the cash to commence the proceedings and be prepared to take your case all the way.
No Lawyer will ever tell you that you have a watertight case and there is always a risk that however much you are confident of your case the Judge may not see it your way.
The problem is the cost of instigating proceedings. The Stadium Trust will need to raise a substantial amount of money but the Council will just use the Council Taxpayers money to fund a defence. The Supporters Trust has investigated and found a crowdfunding web site who will allow us to raise money to fund such a legal challenge if it comes to it.
No one wants to take this to the High Court, we want to see the Council enforce the Section 106 Agreement/UU and the Developer to deliver what they promised the citizens of Wakefield at the Public Inquiry, however if they are not prepared to deliver on that promise we are prepared to take the matter to the High Court by way of a Judicial Review.
Thanks for that sandal cat
So from the posts I have read today it would appear that some pressure needs to be applied to the council to get things moving!
The crowd funding website sounds like an idea...what would be a ball park figure for that particular avenue to be persued?
i think it maybe a while before the money could be scrapped together.
This is going to sound like a dumb question......but what if the money (2 million)was obtained from elsewhere.. Then given to the council on the condition that they use it to kick start the project?