Re: NEWS FROM TONIGHT'S BIG MEETING : Wed Jun 08, 2011 9:32 pm
Most important meeting in history? Really? All very underwhelming. Firstly, despite already being a season ticket holder i've signed up for AGAIN for a membership to try help the club out even though I can scarcly afford it. The club will get one quartely payment of £26 and then the DD gets cancelled, whatever division we are playing in. It is a rip off to ask current members to put their hands in their pockets again though and we might just scrape the 5K target if we are lucky.Secondly tagged on at the end we are informed a stadium that we previously have been told we have to leave at the end of the season is now going to be upgraded to a stadium that still doesn't meet RFL criteria. Whoopie do. It won't make a blind bit of difference, we ain't any closer to getting a licence with whats been said tonight because the RFL won't buy it again. Didn't Ted make a similar upgrade promise last time round???And many unanswered questions. Who owns the damn ground for starters?
Positives? New badge is nice and Neil Fox made a good speech though. Shame about the microphones.
When they bill something like they did they need to back it up with substance. Sorry but they didn't do that for me.