Sorry for the question, but if somebody ITK could answer I would be grateful.
Box said today that he and his chief executive have "spoken with a firm trying to get them to relocate onto that site knowing it will help the club". Given the Newcold development of which his team passed "helped the club" to the tune of zilch, where is it written that any other development will have a positive outcome?
And more importantly, he also said that with the council help and more parties building on more of the site this will unlock funding to build a stadium. If this is the case and he's so keen to stress this as fact, as well as state outright the UU was created by the Developer and the Government and that it's for the Developer and Club to sort a stadium out, then whose responsibility does he believe it is to keep to that belief? that what is built down there does in fact unlock stadium funding? Because from where I'm sitting if it's not the responsibility of his setup and by proxy the planning department (as evidenced by Newcold), and it's not the responsibility of the Club or Trust, and it's not the responsibility of the Developer as they've already demonstrated it's not as they built Newcold and it counted null towards unlocking that money, then who does he believe will be the one ensuring that site build is equal to stadium funding?
Forgetting all the intricacies, ill feeling and 106/UI controversy. If he genuinely believes this is what is going to happen who does he believe is going to make it happen? Given all involved parties have demonstrated there's nobody responsible for making this so. Where is his take on this outcome coming from?