There's much speculation and rumours on this matter but what are people's actual thoughts?
I would suspect that the rfl have contacted cougars and not released anything to the media.
I would expect them to have given cougars a blooming difficult double edge sword of options that when weighed up would undoubtedly make the option of relegation and a good cash payment too good to turn down.
Cougars would have been given a deadline on their decision/acceptance that would be needed before the fixtures were released tonight or the rfl would have turned to a default decision therfore putting pressure on the cougars to opt for their own downfall in double quick time
The rfl gave cougars the minutes for both meetings but they couldn't be published, this is exactly why I think the above, the rfl will I'm sure have the same clause, should the cougars ignore this and take the options public then the cougars would be bringing the game in to disrepute and be excluded from joining the leagues at all, after all, the consequences could be catastrophic to rl!
Sheffield shouldn't lose out if the above became factual but who's to say the rfl would have included an option to compensate Sheffield in the options proposed to cougars.
Whatever has gone on there's no way the other clubs, fans or media will be given the whole information and the full facts, it will most likely be that the rfl and the Keighley Cougars have made a private agreement to close the unfortunate and difficult matter that resulted in the relegation of the cougars.
well they're my thoughts, let's see who is closest to what happens and what makes the headlines in the next 24 hours