Quote Dreamer="Dreamer"Can moderators please leave this post intact? It is not a dig at anyone and only intended to stimulate debate.
I think most people will agree that there have been “activities” on this forum that have been a little OTT. We all support the same team and for the life of me I can’t see why we can’t all get on even if we agree to differ. There is absolutely nothing wrong with disagreeing with an others opinion, lively debate and even taking the micky are all part of life’s rich tapestry.
I listened to a lot of discussion at Karl’s race night and after the Cas match in both the KC bar and main bar and it is clear that a good number of “moderate” people are disgruntled by behaviour on this board.
In my view this forum is like an extension of the cougar “hall of fame” bar. You can go in after the match to shout and cheer, moan and feel sorry, complain about or compliment the ref, touch judges, players, coaches, management other fans etc. You can even get to talk one to one with the aforementioned but there is no guarantee that they will agree with you and they may even choose to ignore you. There are people who will quietly sit and have a pint and not say much to anyone and those that will hustle and bustle from group to group. There are loud fans, knowledgeable fans, mischievous fans and those that don’t seem to grasp rugby and its rules at all. Then once you have discussed rugby and had a couple more pints you can set the world to right. From politics to finance, or from “a funny thing happened to x, y or z” to “does anyone know how to fix my washing machine?”
You can have a good bit of banter with the bar staff - even take the micky, but you would not want to push it too far or insult them at the risk of not being served or even ejected from the premises. You also expect them to show you the same respect and would be most disgruntled if they refused to serve you just because of your political views, your opinions, your friends, who you talked to or even whose name you mentioned.
I don’t think a rugby forum is just about the game in the same way that Keighley Cougars are not just about rugby. It’s about a community of very diverse people who happen to have one thing in common – our team.
What do you think?'"
I doubt that you would find myself, or for that matter Guess Who (and I apologise if I speak out of turn Jim) disagreeing with that.
The problems start when people try to stimulate not debate, but argument, in the negative sense.
How many times has Dodgy had the slate wiped clean on this board? Couple that with the the stuff that goes on not on here but via private messages, and it becomes a nuisance. Some of the stuff that has been said is frankly out of order. He needs to learn the line between what is acceptable on a public forum, and also respect what is a persons privacy;
It's not acceptable to ask people to say whether they have joined the KC Club
It's not acceptable to invite conjecture as to why people don't sponsor you.
All of these things are for the individual to decide, and not for the forum to muse upon.
We also have an AUP to follow. We didn't write the AUP, it's set down for us, and it's set down for good reason. When you post on here it's on the understanding that the AUP is abided by.
Dodgy has overstepped the mark continously, and given the chance to come back. After his last breach of AUP he was banned for 2 weeks. He then came back via his daughter, breaching the AUP seriously, resulting in the site admins saying a life ban should be issued. Couple with this GW also received a PM which was completely over the mark, sent via Dodgys daughter.
The thing is, none of you get to see this stuff, or for that matter have to deal with it. I'm sure the tale you hear in the KC bar doesn't quite stretch to the details we have.
To close, this forum is there for people to debate club issues, and anything else within good reason.
As far as I am concerned the matter is closed, but I won't let the forum be ruined by people trying to sidetrack for one person, when that person has had a second chance, and third chance. Don't forget, Dodgy had a life ban before, it was GW who decided he should be allowed back on.