Great time at both tapings.
- Santino/Kozlov/Sheamus skit - Santino is so fantastic on the mic it's a shame (for him) that'll he'll only ever be a comedy character in WWE
- Crowd reaction for Regal
- The amount of Nexus t-shirts in the crowd both nights
- The Bella twins - God they're lovely!

(same goes for the underrated Natalya

- Wade Barrett been pushed as a true star in the making (though I do feel if he does win the belt it is too soon, but that's WWE's style these days)
- More good matches then bad
Low points:
- NXT - my mate had told me that this series is crap, God was he right!
- Neither night been a sell-out (last night's looked pretty bad - full top tier shut + gaps on bottom)
Overall though two superb nights, + big up to Mysterio & Edge for interacting with ringside fans for ages at the end, e.g. signing autographs, posing for photos etc, both guys a credit to the company IMO.