Re: Men in Lycra - the Wrestling thread : Thu Aug 09, 2012 10:47 am
Andy Gilder wrote:
At least Cena has some mic skills and a bit of a personality. Nash was the Batista of his generation, riding the coat tails of more talented friends.
That's true. I don't normally rag on Cena because I think he is a good talent. He just needs to dial back on the goof crap that they have him doing for the 7 year old kids.
I believe that WWE were close to going under back in 1995 and who was champ at that point? Oh yes a spindly legged 7ft guy called Diesel. TBH, having a twitter fight with Y2J is probably one of the dumbest things Nash has done. His big come back lines revolved around Jericho losing in the first round on one of those celebrity singing shows (which was actually won by Carlton from Fresh Prince of Bel Air) and Jericho himself had already talked about it in his second book and that his elimination had been political rather than talent related as the shows producers didn't want there only to be 1 woman for most of the show's run so even though the other woman was worse, she was kept at his expense.