Random thoughts on Raw.
Jericho v Punk is shaping up nicely and I really am looking forward to the match, likewise for Sheamus v Bryan.
Looks like www haven't quite finished ruining Rydera run and want to make him look as dumb as humanly possible.
How low is Jack Swagger going to go, I like Santino and it's nice to see him getting a push, no matter how short wwe decide to make it, but Swagger used to be Heavyweight champ ffs.
Little bit too much Rock tonight, although throwing Cenas stuff in the river was funny, the rest I foub pretty boring....... Later on they simply reversed last week and had Rock interupt Cena, say a few things, then walk off.
I found Cena really frustrating this week, the video package of him sat in the stands was boring and he went back to his goofy old ways with stupid facial expression when in the ring (this was annoying after 2 weeks of outstanding serious promos)..... Yet the writing on the wrist was classic and a great move.
All in all it was a filler Raw but is building quite a few fueds nicely for Wrestlemania.