Re: Men in Lycra - the Wrestling thread : Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:27 am
Roofs wrote:
Cena was absolutely outstanding on the mic, and I am 100% behind him for his match against The Rock. Don't get me wrong I was a huge Rock fan years ago but sod him, everything Cena said was completely true and I wish wrestlers could cut more real promos like that (i.e. while I'm sure it was completely scripted you could still tell Cena meant every word).
Be in no doubt that Cena would be long gone if he didn't actually suck at acting so he is rather hypocritical and deep down he knows it.
On some things I agree but you have to remember that it was the WWE that binned off Dwayne Johnson (The wrestler not the char) not the other way around,
It was the WWE that didn't want to extend, Dwayne Johnson would have been happy to stay and work a reduced schedule but the WWE let him go OOC and snubbed him, He rightly got very upset about that and thought 'screw em'.
Let us be honest here the last thing in the world that Dwayne Johnson needs is to be flying all over the US and putting his real estate (His body and face) at risk, This makes you wonder why he would return and I don't for one second buy it is because he needs the movie sales, he was away for 7 years and it hardly hurt him.
I personaly think Vince offered him the kind of money that he could NOT turn down, I also find the whole 'doing it for the guys behind that curtain' a rather hypocritical statement(Again) when you consider that he hardly ever puts any of those 'Guys in the back' over infact he has pretty much gone 'SuperCena' on most of them including Kane 2 weeks ago as well as killing Ryders push stone dead just to reafirm that He is still 'Super'.
Also Cena has used this same promo about 6 times now, None of it was origional.
I do find it funny that some of the lower card are getting upset at the Rock taking their place on the WM card, My take on that is that if THEY were good enough then he wouldn't be needed.
The WWE have very probably thrown stupid money at him BECAUSE those same guys haven't got the skills to do it themselves.
So putting it bluntly Cena is full of BS, Dwayne is as well but he is needed to sell WM as there is nothing else to draw the numbers in WWE ATM.