spooky wrote:
I think you need a rethink about your fav Canadian team. The Leafs don't deserve your support. They people running that club have been shafting their fans for years. They're not interested in winning, just as long as the money keeps rolling in, which it will because Torontonians are fecking clueless.
I suppose that could be said of a lot of sports clubs the world over. We have had it time and time again at our beloved Hull FC, but we still support the players if not the management.
When you get the jugernaut that is the maple leafs though, it is almost criminal that they have not won the cup in over 40 years. It could be worse though, what about Chicago cubs fans ( that will be me then) , their owners have been shafting them for years, although things have improved the past couple of years. Now 100 years and counting without a world series, but at least the bank balance keeps growing.