Has anyone seen the Latics admins statement, and the Ticheads response to it?
Now I know there’s a fair few Wigan Rugby fans who aren’t the brightest, but you only need to listen to some of their lot to realise they’re another level! They make our daftest fans look intelligent
No wonder we have so much issue and negativity from them. Knuckle dragging Neanderthals, absolute thick as mince!
The admins have very clearly explained the lengths they’ve been to, to save the club from almost being wound up; likely a certainty, but for their actions to secure write off of debt from the past owner.
They’ve also clearly explained why their charge out rate is justified- namely because it’s not John the tic from DW warehouse who’s been running them for the past 9 months, but qualified accountants and businessmen who know what they’re doing and have 30 plus years of experience saving businesses.
Anyone with sense would read it and go ‘thank god for everything they’ve done to save the club rather than liquidate us’. They also tell them they’ve sold the lot for 2.3mil
which I bet leneghan and danson would have paid for the ground alone. so it would have been a lot easier for them, and probably yielded better returns, to turn the lights off! But instead they’ve done everything possible to keep them in business.
Yet instead of thanks and relief that their unsustainable club, that’s still losing 15k a DAY
, has been saved, they’ve got some ridiculous abuse and folk seriously saying if they see them they’ll put them in the canal!!
This is literally what we’re dealing with!
I think we all wanted them to come out of things and all I’ve heard on the rugby side for the last 9 months is support!! But when you hear their reaction to leneghan, Wigan rugby, anyone who’s done their best to help them, you realise what a bunch of idiots you’re dealing with. Ridiculous amounts of persecution complex!
Possibly would have been better for them to go to the wall and let these idiots go back to supporting Man U and Liverpool tbh.