I am not sure he even knew it was racist - if he did say what has been alleged- I have had to explain to multiple people today how it is classed as such as they didn't think it was. It was only when I explained that specifically referring to this man's heritage and race in a pejorative manner was actually insulting him and his race that they understood, some even then thought it was still not a racist remark That's the insidious side of racism, it has been ingrained in society for so long that what was probably not meant to be racist, said by a guy who may not think it is racist, is actually just that. A lot of the fans I work with struggled to understand at first, why that remark is not acceptable, so the intent to be racist may not have been there in what a guy thought was a throwaway remark to wind up his opponent. and that is why education is so important to eradicate racism, both intentional and unintentional.