Jordan Abdull features in an article in the Evening Standard tonight. I cannot believe how much press the club are getting at the moment. Someone is doing a good job.
But in the view of some, local or national press coverage is not good enough! Excellent to see we are getting some decent coverage though, someone at the club has some decent in roads to the press.
Its Neil Reynolds who is doing a good job and I think we should thank him.. We moan when things go wrong lets praise when they go right. He works tirelessly for the club and the good of the game
But in the view of some, local or national press coverage is not good enough! Excellent to see we are getting some decent coverage though, someone at the club has some decent in roads to the press.
I don't know why you continually need this explaining to you.
Newspaper coverage is not marketing. The same as schools development work is not marketing. Both are, however, very important and very welcome.
Rise like Lions after slumber In unvanquishable number-- Shake your chains to earth like dew Which in sleep had fallen on you-- Ye are many -- they are few.'
It's good , and surprising , to see us getting coverage in the Evening Osborne. I actually look through the sports pages of it now instead of just taking a copy to line the cat's litter tray.