: Sun Aug 02, 2009 1:14 pm
pmarrow wrote:
Sorry but we are terrible, I understand your new to this situation and are enjoying it but for christ sake don't milk it.
No pride in beating FC at the moment.
same as when you beat us at galpharm this year but it didnt stop you guys from bragging about being top of the league
to be fair i take pride in beating anybody,as every win counts,and every defeat hurts. and yes hull offered very little resistance after the first quarter, but i notice on your boards its all agar,sharp and thormans fault..i wonder how many of you have actually thought it could be that the good local talent you have dont seem particularly bothered anymore? i noticed a few of these hometown boys seemed disinterested on friday including your captain.
im sure hull will come good again soon they have some good players and a decent coach who given time will get it spot on i think