: Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:10 am
Personally speaking it would take something special to make me miss this one
But I would like to know if anyone knows how to get a petition sorted to make the powers that be aware of "possible problems" as I`m not technically PC minded enough
Running a bus as I often do to get Giants/Fartown fans to Cardiff/ big games / playoffs etc as economically as possible I find the Rugby Leagus attitude disappointing
At Warrington for the semis --there WERE concessions for "old fogeys " like me / children and students and that was fine and commendable (Id have paid "full price" if I had to!!)
However - at Wembley --------nothing
On club coaches -----------nothing
People such as Wishy /DG with youngsters (and Ponner and Lel ) have to pay full whack to let there children witness what could (hopefully not!) be a "once in a lifetime" experience
Dammit in my senior years -- its been 56 years since I saw em lift the CUP!!
Ken is pushing the game to youngsters- and that is extremely commendable - but the fact that a youngster has to pay full price at the stadium and on a coach is totally disgusting and negative - in my opinion!!
I also know two OAP`s - who have supported Fartown through thick amd thin - who - in these difficult times- now cannot afford to see them in what could be there last Wembley cup final
and after all that --if there are empty seats - and despite the "balance sheet" looking extremely healthy - to me it sends out the wrong ideals and images
Then--to say --if its a draw --that they`ll do the same "all over again" 10 days later is commercialism to the extreme
But sadly - in my eyes - that is one of the negatives about this "great game"
Teams compete and consider salary caps all season - and that is par for the course
But - come the games no 1 showpiece -- it appears its " milk the fans "-yippee!!
Yes - I fortunately CAN AND WILL afford it -- and many more will make sacrifices to be THERE
But I sincerely believe that in these difficult time and because of this "immoral" pricing structure the powers that be levy - there will be quite a considerable number of fans "young"/ "older" and of limited means from Hudds / Warrington and the teams of RL in general who will miss this great day because there are greater financial priorities in their lives than an expensive (? ) trip to the capitol to watch the final
For there then to be empty seats - at a televised showpiece - I find very very shortsighted and a negative impact on the "advancement" of the sport!!!!