: Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:11 am
Widnes had in theory one of their biggest games of the season,a so called genuine rival for the next Franchise round, they have appointed a high profile coach and gave away 1000 school tickets which means at least 1000 adults must come along as well.
When we play Fev on TV we must do something similar,we won't get 5000 but a televised crowd of 3000 plus will be good and this should be our minimum target.
I'm sorry but sometimes I think people in Leigh deserve what we get as it really is a town full of moaners,maybe its the years of seeing our Town ripped apart by WMBC or industry being decimated but we have definately become a town of can't doers instead of will doers.
I'm impressed with the clubs stance on developing a team and if fans are too impatient and get a kick out of telling eveyone how bad we are and we are doomed,we probably will end up like this.
I'm sick of reading on here how if we don't do this and that we are going to have no club,tell me something I don't know, most clubs in Rugby League has similar concerns and I'd rather be in Leighs shoes than most of the others.
Rant over but come on get a grip we've not played a league game yet lets look forward to 2/3 years of good competition and stop being obsessed with Franchising and bloody crowd sizes,cost of pie is much more interesting.