Well another sucessful night for the Poker and LISA , we raised another £76.00p on the night , thanks to everyone who attended ,as Frank says if we keep up like this it will be televised soon

Thanks must also go to Mandy at the Centurion Pub , she has agreed to lay on food now each week ,no charge , and has bought us another 2 Poker table tops ,making 5 in all , and has said they will but us another case of Poker Chips ,thanks again Mandy

the place was again packed last night.
More new faces ,i love seeing new entries,very welcome im trying to work out ways of raising more cash for LISA though , maybe a Raffle , if we can get 5 tables going next week

no reason why not , i could name about 6-7 who didnt attend last night ,and Slim must come next week.
Thanks again to everybody who has made this a sucess

we have just a couple of small problems to sort out ,then the place will be ROCKING,cheers ,Charlie.