Quote mutt1="mutt1"I wouldn't say it fueled by hatred i just think that blaming the police everytime something happens in bull$*** one of the lads killed at Hillsbrough was from Leigh and was mates with my dad but his family accepted what happend and don't agree with the witch hunt that happend towards the police. I'll admit i'm no fan of the bin dippers but i've made my veiws from the facts i've seen on various programes over the years.
I know what your saying but you have to admit you get better the higher the level your playing which is why most leagues overtook by the start of the 90's. Mark hughes was earning £300 a week when at Manchester united he signed for Barcelona in 86 and they payed him 10 times that ammount. Gary Lineker was another who went at the same time the reasons they gave was that the clubs could pay the higher wages because they were playing in Europe every season.'"
According to your logic, because sporting events are better organised now and problems are few - then fans going to away games with no tickets are going to cause problems like Hillsborough. Liverpool fans went to the game to see their club play anyway they could. Just like City fans climbed over fencing at Springfield Park in play off game. Crushing their fellow friends and fans was not on their minds as you put it. Its up to the organisers and police to stop people getting hurt when large volume of people are attending an event like they do now. I remember being locked in a cage in 80's at OT when we visited (real nice) - it just wouldn't happen nowadays.
Its 30mill for finishing last in Prem, and clubs get another 500,000 for every place they move up the league. This is even b4 merchandise, sponsors and speccies are taken into account. If a club gets top 4, its another 10mill for just qualifying (because of silly 2nd 3rd chance league). Its a different world compared to 80's when football was on the slide in this country. But as a Blue, european football has rarely interested me anyways

. What happened at Heysel was an accumulative of English football hooligans, and last straw happened there. Otherwise it would have just been Liverpool banned.