WWW.RLFANS.COM • View topic - WIRE YED Prediction Comp Results and Standings
a) Score and Winning team: Warrington 4 v 0 Hull FC
b) First try (Wire player):Parry Gordon
c) Time of first try: 1974
d) Last try (any team, player not time): John Bevan
e) Kicks over the sticks (combined): 2
f) Attendance (500 margin) 8,593 (8,343 - 8,843)

g) St Helens v Leeds St Helens by 30
Wigan v Toulouse Wigan by 34
Salford v Wakefield Salford by 64
Hull KR v Huddersfield Huddersfield by 28
Castleford v Catalans Castleford by 1

Well what can you say other than well done to Rugby (the poster not the game) and Captain Hook who topped our prediction charts this week. Their tens had me daydreaming of an afternoon with Bo Derek at the Halliwell Jones next weekend I'm sure she'd love it.......the rest of us were more Dudley Moore as follows,

20pts Rugby Captain Hook
9pts Wire n Steel, Mr Snoodle
8pts Wire Weaver, The Speculator, karetaker, Uncle Rico
7pts Sir Adrian Morley CW8
6pts eddieH, Douglas Black Walter Wizard Builth Wells Wire Wanderer
5pts rubber duckie
4pts matt6169 Old Man John
3pts MorePlaymakersNeeded

197pts Wire Weaver
190pts MorePlaymakersNeeded
185pts Captain Hook
174pts Walter Wizard
170pts Old Man John
166pts eddieH
157pts Longbarn Wire
156pts Wanderer
154pts Uncle Rico
144pts CW8
143pts Sir Adrian Morley
142pts Builth Wells Wire
139pts The Speculator
129pts Wire n Steel
126pts rubber duckie
120pts karetaker
118pts Rugby
113pts Douglas Black
87pts Mr Snoodle
66pts mcraven
60pts Hatfield Town Wire
11pts Moving Forward
9pts matt6169
2pts* Dita's Slot meter

Any problems or miscalculations please PM me
I see what you did there.
Can I cash out?
Captain Hook wrote:
Can I cash out?

I think it like the foreign legion, you have to buy yourself out. :SHOOT:
a) Score and Winning team: Warrington 24 v 32 Salford
b) First try (Wire player): Clark
c) Time of first try: 7 minutes
d) Last try (any team, player not time): Brierley
e) Kicks over the sticks (combined): 8 kicks
f) Attendance (500 margin) 8,559 (8,309 -8,809)

g) Castleford v Huddersfield Castleford by 8
Hull FC v Leeds Leeds by 46
Catalans v St Helens Catalans by 2
Toulouse v Hull KR Toulouse by 22
Wakefield v Wigan Wigan by 24

Despite crossing the try line it was a poor performance and a result with not much joy unless you picked Brierley for the last try like this week's Prediction Comp winner, MorePlaymakersNeeded with a decent 14 points, for the rest of us well it's a case of hoping this was our low ebb and for better times ahead as follows,

24pts MorePlaymakersNeeded
12pts rubber duckie
10pts Builth Wells Wire
9pts Old Man John, The Speculator, Douglas Black Wanderer
8pts Wire n Steel
7pts karetaker
5pts CW8 Uncle Rico
3pts eddieH, matt6169, Captain Hook Longbarn Wire Rugby
2pts Wire Weaver Mr Snoodle Walter Wizard

214pts MorePlaymakersNeeded
199pts Wire Weaver
188pts Captain Hook
179pts Old Man John
176pts Walter Wizard
169pts eddieH
165pts Wanderer
160pts Longbarn Wire
159pts Uncle Rico
152pts Builth Wells Wire
149pts CW8
148pts The Speculator
143pts Sir Adrian Morley
138pts rubber duckie
137pts Wire n Steel
127pts karetaker
122pts Douglas Black
121pts Rugby
89pts Mr Snoodle
66pts mcraven
60pts Hatfield Town Wire
12pts matt6169
11pts Moving Forward
2pts* Dita's Slot meter

Any problems or miscalculations please PM me
a) Score and Winning team: Catalans 10 v 36 Warrington
b) First try (Wire player): Widdop
c) Time of first try: 2 minutes
d) Last try (any team, player not time): Williams
e) Kicks over the sticks (combined): 7 kicks
f) Attendance (1,000 margin) 62,154 (61,654 - 62,654)

g) Wakefield v Toulouse Toulouse by 12
St Helens v Wigan St Helens by 2
Leeds v Castleford Leedsby 14
Huddersfield v Salford Huddersfield by 12
Hull KR v Hull FC Hull FC by 6

Thoroughly enjoyable weekend plenty of Warrington try's and in a variety of kits as our loanees made the most of their breaks from the HJ pressure cooker. Some big points scored on the Prediction Comp this week with Old Man John making the most of Rico's double points generosity with 28 large ones. I must be in a good mood as I've awarded the points to all you (non-specific) Hull predictors


38pts Old Man John
22pts matt6169
20pts rubber duckie Moreplaymakersneeded
16pts eddieH Builth Wells Wire
14pts The Speculator Walter Wizard Mr Snoodle
12pts Wire Weaver Wire n Steel Wanderer
10pts CW8 Sir Adrian Morley Douglas Black Uncle Rico
8pts karetaker
6pts Rugby Captain Hook

234pts MorePlaymakersNeeded
217pts Old Man John
211pts Wire Weaver
194pts Captain Hook
190pts Walter Wizard
185pts eddieH
177pts Wanderer
169pts Uncle Rico
168pts Builth Wells Wire
162pts The Speculator
160pts Longbarn Wire
159pts CW8
158pts rubber duckie
153pts Sir Adrian Morley
149pts Wire n Steel
135pts karetaker
132pts Douglas Black
127pts Rugby
103pts Mr Snoodle
66pts mcraven
60pts Hatfield Town Wire
34pts matt6169
11pts Moving Forward
2pts* Dita's Slot meter

Any problems or miscalculations please PM me
a) Score and Winning team: Castleford 35 v 22 Warrington
b) First try (Wire player): Currie
c) Time of first try: 6 minutes
d) Last try (any team, player not time): Holmes
e) Kicks over the sticks (combined): 9 kicks
f) Attendance (500 margin) 6,293 (6,043 - 6,543)

g) St Helens v Huddersfield St Helens by 25
Wigan v Hull FC Wigan by 60
Toulouse v Leeds Toulouse by 14
Hull KR v Wakefield Hull KR by 5
Salford v Catalans Salford by 26

A case of after the Lord Mayor's show....and it's back to square one with a season that's best described as 'beyond rollercoaster'. BTW Where's 'prediction matt' gone after getting our collective hopes up?The Speculator came out on top this week with eleven hard earned the rest of us were scraping the barrel for points and avoiding the bad apples by varying degrees as follows,

21pts The Speculator
10pts Wire n Steel Uncle Rico
7pts Walter Wizard Sir Adrian Morley
6pts Old Man John MorePlaymakersNeeded, eddieH, Rugby
5pts Wire Weaver CW8 Mr Snoodle
4pts karetaker Builth Wells Wire Captain Hook Wanderer
2pts Douglas Black

240pts MorePlaymakersNeeded
223pts Old Man John
216pts Wire Weaver
198pts Captain Hook
197pts Walter Wizard
193pts eddieH
183pts The Speculator
181pts Wanderer
179pts Uncle Rico
172pts Builth Wells Wire
164pts CW8
160pts Longbarn Wire, Sir Adrian Morley
159pts Wire n Steel
158pts rubber duckie
139pts karetaker
134pts Douglas Black
133pts Rugby
108pts Mr Snoodle
66pts mcraven
60pts Hatfield Town Wire
34pts matt6169
11pts Moving Forward
2pts* Dita's Slot meter

Any problems or miscalculations please PM me
a) Score and Winning team: Warrington 22 v 30 Hull KR
b) First try (Wire player): Wardle
c) Time of first try: 14 mins
d) Last try (any team, player not time): Royle/Dagger* *two different media reports but neither picked
e) Kicks over the sticks (combined):10
f) Attendance (500 margin) 7,551 (7,301-7,801)

g) Leeds v Wigan Leeds by 30
Hull FC v Castleford Castleford by 28
Wakefield v St Helens St Helens by 1
Catalans v Huddersfield Catalans by 1
Toulouse v Salford Salford by 13

Apologies for the delay just getting over my jetlag (the A55 was busy). Well it's all been said so straight down to this round's Mr Big it was the Pride of Mid Cheshire himself CW8 that top scored with 9 points the rest of us well....

19pts CW8
8pts The Speculator
6pts Rugby Douglas Black
4pts Wire Weaver Old Man John Sir Adrian Morley
3pts karetaker, Kinetic RR eddieH Mr Snoodle Uncle Rico MoreplaymakersNeeded Walter Wizard Captain Hook rubber duckie
2pts Builth Wells Wire Wanderer

242pts MorePlaymakersNeeded
227pts Old Man John
220pts Wire Weaver
201pts Captain Hook
200pts Walter Wizard
196pts eddieH
191pts The Speculator
183pts Wanderer CW8
182pts Uncle Rico
174pts Builth Wells Wire
164pts Sir Adrian Morley
161pts rubber duckie
160pts Longbarn Wire
159pts Wire n Steel
142pts karetaker
140pts Douglas Black
139pts Rugby
111pts Mr Snoodle
66pts mcraven
60pts Hatfield Town Wire
34pts matt6169
11pts Moving Forward
3pts Kinetic RR
2pts* Dita's Slot meter

Any problems or miscalculations please PM me
a) Score and Winning team: Huddersfield 32 v 22 Warrington
b) First try (Wire player): Wardle
c) Time of first try: 5 minutes
d) Last try (any team, player not time): Trout
e) Kicks over the sticks (combined): 9 kicks
f) Attendance (500 margin) 4,549 (4,299-4,799)

g) Wigan v Hull KR Wigan by 42
Toulouse v Hull FC Hull FC by 24
Castleford v Wakefield Wakefield by 26
Catalans v Leeds Leeds by 4
Salford v St Helens Salford by 32

Fortunately managed to miss this game and the Super League Show recording will be suitably edited into just the Tanya link sections. Two posters top trumped this week eddieH and The Speculator both collecting nine points for the rest of us, like the team it's a case of hoping for better things next week

19pts eddieH The Speculator
8pts Builth Wells Wire
7pts CW8 rubber duckie
5pts Old Man John Walter Wizard matt6169
4pts Wire Weaver karetaker Longbarn Wire Rugby
3pts Uncle Rico Wire n Steel Mr Snoodle Sir Adrian Morley Wanderer
2pts Captain Hook MorePlaymakersNeeded
1pt Douglas Black

244pts MorePlaymakersNeeded
232pts Old Man John
224pts Wire Weaver
215pts eddieH
210pts The Speculator
205pts Walter Wizard
203pts Captain Hook
191pts CW8
186pts Wanderer
185pts Uncle Rico
182pts Builth Wells Wire
168pts rubber duckie
167pts Sir Adrian Morley
164pts Longbarn Wire
162pts Wire n Steel
146pts karetaker
143pts Rugby
141pts Douglas Black
114pts Mr Snoodle
66pts mcraven
60pts Hatfield Town Wire
39pts matt6169
11pts Moving Forward
3pts Kinetic RR
2pts* Dita's Slot meter

Any problems or miscalculations please PM me
a) Score and Winning team: Wigan 32 v 6 Warrington
b) First try (Wire player): Currie
c) Time of first try: 21 minutes
d) Last try (any team, player not time): Field
e) Kicks over the sticks (combined): 5
f) Attendance (500 margin): 13,261 (13,011-13,511)

g) Hull KR v Toulouse: Hull KR by 6
Huddersfield v Hull FC: Huddersfield by 6
St Helens v Castleford: St Helens by 8
Leeds v Salford: Leeds by 20
Wakefield v Catalans: Catalans by 4

I don't know if these are related, but Auntie Rico has lost her charm and MorePlaykersNeeded needs to either find or change his Lucky Undercrackers, even Prediction Matt couldn't swing it for us this week. That said I'll fight anyone who doesn't think that 'our' eddie deserved it, (I came over a bit Hilda Ogden whist typing if you pardon the expression).

The rest of us were a bit more Alf Roberts in his Get Carter days rather than chasing Audrey, so we'll need to shape up next week.

22pts eddieH
11pts Builth Wells Wire
9pts Mr Snoodle CW8 Captain Hook
8pts Douglas Black
7pts Rugby
6pts Sir Adrian Morley Uncle Rico Wire n Steel
5pts karetaker, The Speculator,matt6169,Wire Weaver Wanderer MorePklaymakersNeeded
4pts rubber duckie Old Man John
3pts Walter Wizard

249pts MorePlaymakersNeeded
237pts eddieH
236pts Old Man John
229pts Wire Weaver
215pts The Speculator
212pts Captain Hook
208pts Walter Wizard
200pts CW8
193pts Builth Wells Wire
191pts Wanderer Uncle Rico
173pts Sir Adrian Morley
172pts rubber duckie
168pts Wire n Steel
164pts Longbarn Wire
151pts karetaker
150pts Rugby
149pts Douglas Black
123pts Mr Snoodle
66pts mcraven
60pts Hatfield Town Wire
44pts matt6169
11pts Moving Forward
3pts Kinetic RR
2pts* Dita's Slot meter

Any problems or miscalculations please PM me

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