Quote Who are ya!!="Who are ya!!"Wonder if letting him defend on the right might help... Needs people around him who can defend, him and Atkins together is a disaster'"
Atkins may have his knockers (sorry but I couldn't resist a Cosmo Smallpiece gurn whilst typing that) but his defence isn't that flakey is it? He's'perhaps guilty of jumping out of the line now and again but is usually effective IMO
I can't understand this thread tbh or to clarify the length of it. Is Patton our starting half by design, is he doing significantly better or worse than expectations, do we have another half back in reserve or currently playing out of position in the firsts, is the club resting on its half back laurels and is Patton our long term first choice plan?
I stand on the SW40 most weeks in a section called the 'bloody ell Patton club EVERYTHING is the lads fault well it isn't IMO. He has limitations he makes mistakes, don't we all? His performance should be scrutinised it's professional sport and maybe he's not got enough 'credit in the bank' when he makes a gaff as Cooper did recently. Imagine the outrage if Patton had thrown it straight past Johnson last night into the stand with the line at our mercy?
Moan all you want but I would suggest it needs to be a bit fairer what's good for Patton is good for others, more considered or even constructive.......life was so much simpler when my spot on the terrace was called the 'What you playin' at Brown stand
BTW I'm not Patton's Uncle