: Mon May 18, 2009 8:22 pm
Immigration is a fantastic idea if the people you are 'importing' are bringing with them job skills, a reasonable level of intellegence and, most importantly, they are both civillised and will learn to respect our culture.
Unfortunately, this has not happened, and because of this we now have a situation where cultures constantly clash, and as others have mentioned, tribalism among communities arises.
My main problem is that people have become scared to actually voice opinions because of fear of being classed racist.
Take the recent gurkha case.....My own view, and I reckon the view of many, was that why deny entry, to men who have actually FOUGHT for our country, yet seemingly allow every Tom, Dick and Harry in, under the vague cloak that they are students, or something else as shadowy?.....A reasonable opinion??.... I think so, yet if you voiced that too vocally you get shot down as racist.
Similarly, whenever I hear of a shooting incident on the news, I automatically expect it to involve (and it usually does) black people....Yes, its a sad natural instinct, but one that statistics tell us his an expected one...Yet, once again, if you dare mention your 'instinct' you are once again labelled a bigot.
I am not naive enough to believe that all our problems would never have happened without immigration, but we have to be aware that with immigration brings many problems which for some, outweigh greatly the advantages.