I would like to know how ppl come to the conclusion.dodds is injury prone!!
We got tom.lineham to score trys which he has done. But the effort.other areas has fallen well short. Tho its way too early to write him off and some of the reactions on.here are laughable as bad a signing as roy!! I recall similar grumbles when we signed henry faafili. He too was not fast or agile enough for a winger and was a terrible signing, king was garbage and should have been sent back!! Paul rauhihi was not good enough because he did not waltz through defences and we should have terminated his contract after half a season.
I feel for our new signings as if they don't hit the ground running and set sl alight they are garbage when really they don't live up to many fans high expectations. Or fit their idea of what a winger prop whatever should be.
The money paid is negligible compared to football's speculation buys of 10-30m on a prospect.