nottinghamtiger wrote:
The problem is this:
The panel are selected well in advance. How are those who select the panel meant to know who will be appearing so that nobody is 'judged' by an ex-player who once played for the same club as the charged player?
If the ex-players on the panel can't take part in a case involving one of their ex-clubs, you would be ruling out a lot them as most players appear for 3/4 clubs during their career.
Can't see its insurmountable to choose ex player when they know who is up before the beak?
The issue isn't whether they are biased but whether they may be (reasonably) thought to be biased. Why take the risk. On the other hand the Wigan fans will no doubt take the view that any player who didn't play for them will be biased against them...then again "every one hates us we don't care"...