To be fair building the thing will be the greatest achievement when you go though all the stuff that has gone wrong with it from day one.
Id be surprised if they chucked us out, they saved us once and we have brought to the table what we promised us in a new stadium / new stadium physically there being built, with a sound business plan, no crazy spending, no massive debts and development in our off field areas and a team full of promising english players, we've kept the RFL and superleague informed at every step of the way we have done all we can to play fair and open with everyone who needs to know in the deciton making process.
If Superleague / RFL want to pull the rug from under our feet and change the rules then there is nothing we can do about it
Wakey and Cas shud be looking over their shoulders more than us imo, both need a new stadium, both i dont think are anywhere near where we are (might be wrong?) Both "live" within spitting distance of each other.