Michigan Red. As previously stated I am an employee of FCUM. I am also the last person who would cause or be involved in trouble. Please tell me who your sources are and what evidence they have for such accusations.
I go to watch my sporting teams for enjoyment, meet up with friends and escape from the hum drum of reality. Nothing more. I'm a soft get, couldn't fight my way out of a paper bag and, as suggested above, would run at the merest sign of trouble. I'd love to know what information you have to suggest otherwise?
I'm actually quite insulted by your insinuations. Thankfully I've got good friends who know me far better than you ever will who have, and will continue to, stand my ground on this.
Also, as stated, I'm an employee of FC United. The office contact details are on the website which I'm sure you are capable of finding. If your evidence is that strong, please contact them to put it forward to them. It will be dealt with in the correct manner.