Chorlton RL wrote:
Always a good thing
I think a few of us may disagree with that!
Seriously though, the design and access statement has a lot of stuff about habitats an ecology as there's a brook/wildlife corridor running through the site and the ship canal near by. I think there was some work on sustainable drainage but that may have been the former design. There's also talk of public transport links and cycle storage (just need that cycle lane on the M60 now). The main text related to general sustainability is...
• Appropriate provision will be made for the segregation and storage of recyclable waste both during construction and operation of the Proposed Development.
• Energy saving and energy efficient devices will be used to minimise energy demand. Where possible, the scheme will incorporate the use of environmentally efficient measures which may include:
- Air Source Heat Pumps
- Lighting zones and controls
- Thermal zoning
- Sub-metering of substantial energy uses/ Submetering of high energy load areas and tenancy
- Energy-efficient external lighting and reduction of night time light pollution
- Well-insulated and air-tight building envelope
- Low-energy and efficient lift
- Provision of energy efficient equipment
It's a bit thin and non-commital in my opinion. I'd suggest that rainwater harvesting should be a no-brainer on a new build with large roof areas, as should PIR controlled lights throughout and a general building energy management system.