Re: Red Devils Fight Back to Disappoint the Robins : Mon May 15, 2017 9:59 pm
We can only hope that consistent success will keep them trickling in. The great year we're having wont last forever, and I fear what may happen when we hit an inevitable slump. I do think an area the club really hasn't bothered with but should is marketing surrounding areas for disgruntled football/sport fans. On the other forum there's a an introduce yourself thread and interestingly the non-Salford born fans that have contributed often come from outlying districts after having become fed-up with whatever sport they were currently following. If nothing else it shows that there is an interest from potential new fans in different areas outside of Salford itself. Imagine how many could be lured to the AJ if they were aware? It does seem that the Club is flogging a dead horse trying to get the Salford public to come, who are either indifferent or their priorities lie with the round ball game. There is a hardcore support for the club in Salford but I think they already attend games, if not regularly then at least most of the time. For Salford to have a future they need to extend their reach further afield, but retain the name and identity at the same time.