Re: The Chase is over, Rangi on his way... : Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:17 pm
Chris28 wrote:
Bird still had to satisfy the general immigration rules for each entry, regardless of how he was coming in, which was my beef at the time, but that's past history.
I would hope, not just cos he's apparently off to Hull, that the fact Rangi got back in after declaring the conviction means he shouldn't have problem now. UKBA can't have it both ways.
I would hope, not just cos he's apparently off to Hull, that the fact Rangi got back in after declaring the conviction means he shouldn't have problem now. UKBA can't have it both ways.
The only problem I can imagine is time - getting it done before the deadline - if its a double check job. And Kosh reckons Crocker was registered without a visa - if so it doesn't matter. Or maybe it does because would Hull pay Cas to transfer the registration without being 100% certain a visa would be granted? Head hurts. Somebody will know whats going on and even if they worked for the HDM (and tbf journalists can't be experts on every subject they have to knock out copy on), they'll spin it out to the last.
I'd be (at least slightly) surprised if he isn't sorted by friday. Timely boost and all that.