gutterfax wrote:
Don't tease us....heard from where???
That might be difficult for him to answer. Perhaps in his favourite pub, on his 14th pint, someone whispered it all in his ear? The face looked familiar but he just can't quite put a name to the face.
gutterfax wrote: forgot to mention that the new CEO is in his 2nd stint in that role, the coach is untried/untested at this level, the players on offer are all crumbs from the table and the guy with his hands on the purse strings is the same bloke who drove us down this farcical route. If DH controls finances at the club I predict more of the same come September 2014/Feb 2015
These points are all valid and troubling if the rumours are true. But you are assuming that the rumours are true. Of course anything is possible with David Hughes at the helm. But I would wait till I got confirmation from a credible source before jumping to any conclusions.