I wouldn't bother reading this bit, there is nothing interesting, witty or insightful down here, just this collection of boring words explaining that you really are wasting your time browsing this signature in the vain and futile hope that there will be a nugget, nay, a veritable goldmine of witticisms or divine philosophy. In reality, all you're going to get is disappointment, a sense of hopelessness and a random word.
Facilites would have to be a tie between Wigan and Hull FC
Pitch without any doubt is Wakefield, it was always immaculate even when we were a winter sport
Fans would be Wigan they turn out in huge numbers win or lose
Facilites would have to be a tie between Wigan and Hull FC Pitch without any doubt is Wakefield, it was always immaculate even when we were a winter sport Fans would be Wigan they turn out in huge numbers win or lose