For too long refs have picked up on every single little niggle and blown up. As Stevo said, Bentham showed common sense, let the game flow an look at the spectacle we enjoyed as a result (partly).
A good hard rough, tough game, good to see some real fire!
You mean when he ran sideways to avoid the ' hit '
Then he took how many balls after that ?
One was it
no i mean when he ran sideways to get to graham, he targetted him and ran at him, he did that when Graham was spoiling for a fight and he did it legally and fairly
Saints pack won it for them, but i would still say Bailey was the best forward on the field, had Peacock, Kylie, Burgess, Ablett, etc showed up at even 80% of what Bailey did Leeds would have won, but they didnt they were dominated by the saints pack
For too long refs have picked up on every single little niggle and blown up. As Stevo said, Bentham showed common sense, let the game flow an look at the spectacle we enjoyed as a result (partly).
A good hard rough, tough game, good to see some real fire!
you say that, and i understand where you are coming from
but.... he let worse things go and punished lesser things, the PTB became a lottery for penalties it was pure guesswork as to what would be punished, i have no problem with us relaxing the rules on teh PTB, but there needs to be consistancy and we arent close to that at the moment
Luck is a combination of preparation and opportunity
Just to avoid confusion Starbug is the username of Steven Pike
SOMEBODY SAID that it couldn’t be done But he with a chuckle replied That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried. So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin On his face. If he worried he hid it. He started to sing as he tackled the thing That couldn’t be done, and he did it!
you say that, and i understand where you are coming from
but.... he let worse things go and punished lesser things, the PTB became a lottery for penalties it was pure guesswork as to what would be punished, i have no problem with us relaxing the rules on teh PTB, but there needs to be consistancy and we arent close to that at the moment
If you think you can do better , you know what to do
Lets face it you can do everything better than anybody
you say that, and i understand where you are coming from
but.... he let worse things go and punished lesser things, the PTB became a lottery for penalties it was pure guesswork as to what would be punished, i have no problem with us relaxing the rules on teh PTB, but there needs to be consistancy and we arent close to that at the moment
Fair point, he seemed to go in peaks & troughs - letting minor infringments go and five minutes later blowing up. I do think the game was better for letting it flow though.
I personally prefer the game with some leeway - let's hope the refs can get used to being a little more lenient and keep it consistent.
no i mean when he ran sideways to get to graham, he targetted him and ran at him, he did that when Graham was spoiling for a fight and he did it legally and fairly
Saints pack won it for them, but i would still say Bailey was the best forward on the field, had Peacock, Kylie, Burgess, Ablett, etc showed up at even 80% of what Bailey did Leeds would have won, but they didnt they were dominated by the saints pack
Fair point, he seemed to go in peaks & troughs - letting minor infringments go and five minutes later blowing up. I do think the game was better for letting it flow though.
I personally prefer the game with some leeway - let's hope the refs can get used to being a little more lenient and keep it consistent.
thats an inherent problem with 'letting it flow' because 'letting it flow' means allowing rules to be broken whilst punishing them same rules at another time,
what there needs to be is rules that mean we dont get 50 penalties a game, but where whenever a rule is broken it is punished
I thought Graham was better than Bailey, his all round play particularly in defence was superb, plus he had a hand in Wheeler's try which clinched it for Saints.
Bentham did very well in keeping control of the game, we've all been to games where we've said 'the ref has lost control', that didn't happen today and it certainly could of!
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