: Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:47 pm
Day Four In Jord Rhinosaur 3/11/09
Despite a restless night in Jord Rhinosaur’s liver I woke up peacefully in the morning due to it been strangely relatively dry. This is not good if you want to use your water filter to get a drink. What I’ve been eating to survive whilst in Jord Rhinosaur I won’t repeat on here.
Now some of you are probably wondering what all the commotion was just outside Headingley stadium this morning. Well you’ve come to the right place for answers. After spending a morning carefully looking for Bangs head in Jord Rhinosaur’s liver with failure I bravely made my way down to the digestive system that is basically the poo holder.
My first thought once in this digestive system is I’ve never seen so much $|-|!t in my life. Apart from been sticking walking through it wasn’t too bad until I experienced my first white knuckle ride since I was six on a ghost train at Alton Towers only this scarier as Jord Rhinosaur’s bowls exploded plummeting the poo and me with it.
I’ve never come across so much steam in my life that would cause a smoke alarm to go off. Because of this poo the whole street was corned off thanks to the toxic coming from Jords Rhinosaur’s poo. Eventually men in white forensic suits.
Tommorow is day two on Jord Rhinosaur poo.