Juan Cornetto wrote:
The stats disagree with you.
According to the Leeds web site Singleton was on for just 3 minutes longer than Donaldson (35/33) and in those extra 3 minutes Singleton made 2 more carries and 19 more metres than Donaldson. Both made 28 tackles and both made one tackle bust each and no missed tackles. So Singleton averaged 6.5m per carry and Donaldson 5m per carry. Both made either a tackle or a carry every minute they were on except for one minute each (perhaps when they ran on) so both were equally busy with Single marginally more effective.
As I said Singleton on paper was marginally better than Donaldson something that you chose to overlook or perhaps failed to observe..
So they don’t disagree with me then. For someone who constantly goes on about stats, you really need to understand them better, you seem to struggle with them, and only pick out certain ones.
So again I will say, Singleton had more minutes, which of course you have already stated, and somehow point to this fact of 2 more carries, yet believe Donaldson wouldn’t have increased his own and his number of tackles in that time. Of course even then it overlooks the fact that one was playing prop, a role for high carries, and one wasn’t playing prop.