I think everybody knows we need a big prop forward especially after today the pack is still too light. I don't want a knee jerking reaction signing just cause we lost a game in round one as I don't want the club to just go get any player they do right wanting to bring right man in instead of signing deadwood like previous season but how long can we weight until we possibly have a injury crisis in front row ( touch would that doesn't happen) or until we could be in a potential relegation battle again? ( touch would that doesn't happen as well). What baffles me when the club signed Prior they said they wanted him to play alongside Merrin but how would that have been possible if we have all out Quota spots full because apparently we have to wait for Martin's PNG passport to come through to open up a full overseas spot? I don't buy this passport business at all I wish the club was honest as I believe we got Prior to be Merrin's replacement even if Prior isn't a Marquee signing he was always going to be replacing Merrin. Who is actually available to come to us though and would want to come to us can't see the top class props already over here such as Walmsley, Thompson, Watts and Fifita coming in for us as there already really settled at our rivals and they won't be willing to release them to us. It's a long season with a lot of twist and turns ahead but I hope the club is more clear to the fans about the recruiting situation and where they stand with it.