Quote FlexWheeler="FlexWheeler"I just dont see leeds beating warrington twice in 3 weeks, and i don't see much possibility in leeds and warrington not repeating in week 3.
If leeds win in week one and wigan win leeds get club call. Warrington and hudds bounce back and win in week 2, warrington are the lowest ranked team, leeds pick them. If leeds win in week one but hudds win, wigan and warrington win in week 2, and hudds club call the lowest ranked team which is wigan, leaving leeds and warrington. If leeds lose in week one and hudds win, wigan and leeds win in week 2, hudds club call lowest ranked team, leaving leeds and warrington. If leeds lose in week one and hudds lose, warrington get club call, hudds and leeds win in week 2, warrington club call leeds as the lowest ranked team.
The only way i dont see leeds and warrington facing off twice is if one of them goes out in week 2 after losing in week 1. Let's say that doesn't happen but it's one of hudds or wigan who lose in week 2. If it's wigan, it means hudds won in week 1 giving them club call meaning they pick the lowest ranked team which will be the team that beats wigan....leaving leeds and warrington. If however, hudds lost in week 1 and lost in week 2, warrington would have club call, they'd pick whoever knocked out hudds leacing leeds with another trip to wigan.
The scenarios of leeds not playing warrington twice are few and unlikely.
Providing the loser of our week 1 game wins in week 2 it's pretty much 95% certain they'll play in week 3 to get to the grand final.
I think it'll be one win a piece so it depends who loses in week one and wins in week 3.'"
Yep, I agree. It's a forgone conclusion that we will play warrington twice and to me is the biggest fault in this play off system.
I also feel that somehow we would be more likely to win at Warrington then at home in the final illiminater.