I think the majority of Wakey fans (like the majority of other clubs fans) just believe that he is incompetent rather than biased.
Personally I don't believe that he is biased in favour of any team, the fact that Cas have won the games he has reffed them in is probably just coincidence.
I suspect that any as an earlier poster said any team that loses with this guy in the middle is likely to blame him because he is so prominent. In reality if you stood back and looked at each decison he made you would find fault with decisions for both sides not just your own.
His problem is that he does not have the ability to use a bit of common sense, like some of the more experienced refs do, and he applies the rules (as he understands them) without any personal experience of how the game is played.
I have no doubt I will walk away from the game on Friday night cursing him (win or lose) but I also feel that if he gets whistle happy around the play-the-ball then it helps rather than hinders us.