Tigerade wrote:
Robbo is behind the takeover Gronk.
Urgh, would much rather have RW over that ranting idiot.
Tigerade wrote:
We will be either staying at WR or taking a loan to get GH started. PROBIZ offered 5 million to start the GH build in the shape of a loan which was knocked back by the B.O.D. I also wouldn't be surprised if the long term plan for WR goes back to housing.
The PROBIZ loan offer also had a ridiculous interest rate and some other unsavoury terms to it which Halifax also wouldn't give them, but Fev would...which is why they're currently flavour of the month with Feisal.
If they can do a flip with Persimmon/Tesco and have the Supermarket on Nestle and Persimmon where the stadium is it will all be fine but if it goes the route of staying put or a loan then the club is doomed.